Registered Student Organizations: Faculty/Staff Advisor Consent/Approval Form

THANK YOU for choosing to be an advisor to a Registered Student Organization at The New School!

An advisor must be a Staff or Faculty member of The New School.
Advisors cannot be a Teacher's Assistant, Research Assistant, or stand-alone student leader or employee.

Advisor roles are volunteer only and are not compensated.

Advisors and prospective student officers should discuss openly the type of role the advisor would play with the organization, as the level of involvement and participation is at the discretion of the Advisor. Some organizations have a pool of advisors to assist them with different aspects of the organization (financial, scholarship, expertise, programming, etc.). Some advisors have a high level of involvement with every aspect of the organization; others have a very limited role. It is up to the organization and the advisor to set the parameters of involvement. For more information,  check out our Registration policies and procedures GURU page.

Advisors are able to visit our resources and information through our microsite, as well as schedule meetings with our team through Calendly.

When it comes to your employment and position on campus, please select all below that applies to your position.
(This will be used for assessment and reporting purposes)